Sunday, November 3, 2019

None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

None - Essay Example In china, looking back historically, women underwent much degradation and prolonged oppression from the society as they were viewed as being lesser than their male counterpart. They never had equal rights as men, both in the social, political and economic spheres of the society. In this regard, the women become economically dependent and were never accorded any property or inheritance rights with no possession of an independent income source. Socially, the women were forced to subordinate to their fathers, husbands and sons, obey their fathers before marriage, and after marriage, their husbands and their sons in case they became widows. They had no rights in marriage and were forced to do odd and less important jobs. These marriages in the ancient times were arranged and were not in any manner dependent on the couple’s decisions. Once the females had moved into the marriage, they would then be denied any marital freedom with their task restricted to carrying out the household chores such as cleaning, preparing meals and looking after their children (Wang and Theodore, 19). Theirs was the manual labor in their homes. They never had too the right to education and to participate actively to social activities. The ancient Chinese never considered it serious to educate the females, and this had made their illiteracy levels very high. They underwent the retrogressive culture of polygamy and prostitution that tortured them mentally. For a growing young girl, one’s foot had to be bound on something too that affected their social lives, in order for them not to run or practice other customs. Males, on the other hand, were treated differently and with respect in the society. The male children were treated accordingly by their families as they were regarded as a gift from their gods. In the whole society setup, bearing of sons was much-preferred than the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Blue Velvet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blue Velvet - Essay Example The premise of the film being a horror fits into the niche of film noir. Acceding to Dancynger film noir "highlights the world of the nightmare, it tends to rely less on movement and pace.' (Technique of film and Video Editing (p 175) I chose to use the word intellectual as part of the theme because film noir has an abstract side to it which encompasses my intellectual basis regarding the film. and considering the theme to be one of intellectual horror. The foundation of the movie revolves around the dark side of human nature, which combines both horror and intellect. To be more specific regarding the film and its theme if the theme is an intellectual horror which theme certainly includes the dark side of human nature and that is the main reason I have identified the theme of Blue Velvet to be an intellectual horror. The thematic montage is one of angst and the dark side of human nature that it stems from. The recurring image of the home is Lynch's way of introducing the theme each t ime the image of the home appears. Many objects are discovered out of sequence during the film. Here is a list of images Used by Lynch to emphasize the theme.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Written Assignment #5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Written Assignment #5 - Essay Example because of their association with big organization, and their capability to purchase and stock high volume commodities, act as a distributor of the product. Traditionally, wholesalers were believed to be just an intermediary in the channel with no value addition to the customers, because of the common perception that value addition is done by the retailers only, who sell the final goods. But in the context of ever changing marketing scenario, this has been modified. Customers demand more and have higher expectations from their suppliers, especially distributors. Out of stock for a long time after placing order increases the lead time which is not desirable and it may result in customer penalizing both the wholesaler and the retailer for the incomplete order. Today, customer loyalty is based on supplier performance. Performance is both in terms of quality and timely delivery of the specified products. Customers’ ever increasing expectation of the value added services provided w ith the requirement without any additional cost has been responsible for exerting enormous pressure to the retailers. Thus, in order to handle the requirements, wholesalers must step forward and take proactive actions in terms of close integration with the customers by simplification of the distribution process in a timely and cost effective way and must ensure that the customers are perceiving value added services as unique (, n.d.). Potential of the Internet as an efficient and effective communication channel appeared obvious due to the ease of global reach; ease of access; enhanced interactivity; speedy and flexible transaction of large amounts of information in a cost effective way and maintenance easiness (Pyle, 1996; Jones & Visayasarthy, 1998). Modern wholesalers and retailers are dependent on internet in the following

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cultural Diversity-Race and Ethnicity 4 Essay Example for Free

Cultural Diversity-Race and Ethnicity 4 Essay †¢ What information about race and ethnicity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to specific minority groups? I would have to say that I have learned a lot of information by taking this cultural diversity class. I know that there are minorities in the United States, but I was unaware of many of the discriminations that have happened over the years. I have always thought that we were all equal and that is how I have raised my children. We may come from different backgrounds, have different colors of skin and speak other languages, but we are all people living our lives and trying to become successful. I can now see the challenges that many minority groups have to face in the United States and understand why there are so many different programs available to the minority. o Have you learned something new about your own cultural history? I am about ? Native American and I learned many things about the Native American gaming laws and how that all works. It is interesting to see how the government has stepped up and showed the Native Americans that we want them to be successful and allowed them to produce these successful casino and resorts. I did not realize that many of the casinos are on Native land and there to help the Natives and there reservations. I have never researched much about where I come from or anything about my background, but it was nice to see that there are things that are offered for the wrongs that have been done in the past. I found that the Natives do not hold a grudge and are using what is offered to them to earn money and employee there Natives. Many of them still live on the reservation and are able to work right there on the reservation. †¢ Trends in immigration will continue to shape the face of the United States. What will this face look like in the year 2050? In 2050 I see that there will still be a small amount of discrimitnation in the United States, but there will be many minority groups that have multiplied and will continue to go to college become doctors, teachers, lawyers and so on. There will be no difference in our society as to who is going to help us when we need a doctor or even who is going to teach our childrens children. I feel that if they are taking the time to learn out language and go to school and earn a degree then they should be considered a part of our country and not have to live with discrimination. I know that we cannot change the way people feel and act, but we can start by accepting others ourself and respecting all of the people no matter the race. †¢ How might the country best prepare for the changing race and ethnicity of its current and future citizens? I feel that we need to accept all race and ethnicity into our country. I see that we can learn many things from other people that we may not have thought of ourselves. I feel that we need to educate our citizens so they can see what they are going to expect in the future of the United States. We cannot change who we are or where we come from, but we as citizens can show you why there is no reason to treat any race or ethnicity different from our own. There needs to be education to our children and our future to teach them that we accept all races and ethnicities and they are what form us as a community and society.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Essay -- Psychologists

Profile of Ivan Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 in the village of Ryazan, Russia, the son of Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov, who was the village priest. Because he was the son of a priest he went to church school and enrolled in a theology seminar. As the son of a preacher Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was going to follow in his father’s footsteps, that was until he read a book by Charles Darwin called â€Å"The Origin of Species† After reading this book Ivan Pavlov dropped out of his theological studies and enrolled in a Natural Science program in the University of St-Petersburg. After enrolling in the University of St-Petersburg Ivan Petrovich Pavlov discovered his passion, physiology. Physiology is the branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their body parts, including all physical and chemical processes. It was here that Ivan Pavlov in collaboration with a fellow classmate wrote his first paper on â€Å"The Physiology of the Pancreatic Nerves† Ivan Pavlov received his first gold medal for this paper. This however is not the only gold medal that Ivan received; he went on to winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine/ Physiology in 1904 â€Å"in recognition of his work on the physiology of digestion, through which knowledge on vital aspects of the subject have been transformed and enlarged† During his 1904 Nobel Prize address he presented his theory on Classic Conditioning. Ivan Pavlov was also elected as the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1907, given an honorary doctor ate at Cambridge University in 1912, and awarded the Order of the Legion of Honour in 1915. But these were not the studies that made him famous in the psychology world; it was his study of the canine digest... ...dwich. But I did eat the food from Johnny Rockets right before I started throwing up. So I paired the food from Johnny Rockets with throwing up and the feeling of nausea, and because food is a primary reinforce it only took one time for me to pair nausea and food poisoning with Johnny Rockets. My conditioned response to Johnny Rockets is nauseated feeling. Works Cited †¢ "Ivan Pavlov - Biography". 10 Dec 2011 †¢ "Pavlov's Dog". 10 Dec 2011 †¢ â€Å"Ivan Pavlov†. Mindy Lautenheiser. May 1999 †¢ Saundra K. Ciccarelli, J. Noland White. â€Å"Psychology†. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2006

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abington Hill Toys

ABINGTON-HILL TOYS, INC. 1. INTRODUCTION Abington-Hill Toys’ new president, Vernon Albright, hires a new company comptroller, David Hartly. Hartly’s first task was to complete an analysis of the firm’s condition and generate financial planning for the company. 2. METHODOLOGY A. Current ratio B. Acid-test ratio C. Inventory Turnover Ratio D. Debt-Equity ratio E. Gross Margin F. Net Profit Margin G. Z Score 3. SOLUTION A. 280,000/290,000=. 97 B. 130,000/290,000=. 45 C. 900,000/150,000=6 D. 490,000/710,000=. 69 E. 300,000/1,200,000=. 25 F. 60,480/1,200,000=. 05 G. 1. (-10,000/1,200,000)+1. 4(60,480/1,200,000)+3. 3(126,000/1,200,000)+ 1. 05(1,200,000/1,200,000)=1. 46 4. CONCLUSION The current ratio of . 97 means for every $. 97 of current assets, Abington Hill Toys has $1 of current liabilities. Since the current ratio is less than the standard of 3. 5, Abington Hill Toys implies a high risk and a probable incapability to generate sufficient working capital to meet i ts short-term needs. The acid-test ratio of . 45 is less than half of its current ratio which means Abington Hill Toys’ inventory comprises of more than half of its current assets.The inventory turnover ratio of 6 is higher than 5 which is the standard for companies in this industry. Since this ratio is higher than average, Abington Hill Toys is showing strong sales. The higher than standard inventory ratio could also mean ineffective buying of inventory. The debt-equity ratio of . 69 means Abington Hill Toys has $. 69 of debt to every dollar of equity. This would put them in at a lower risk to enhance financial leverage. The gross margin is at 25%. This means Abington Hill Toys is only profiting 25% above their direct costs. This is equivalent to the standard of other companies in this industry.The net profit margin of 5% is less than the standard of 8%. Abington Hill Toys’ net profit margin means equity holders will only receive 5% from every dollar after all expense s, interest, and taxes are paid. The low Z score of 1. 46 would sway me to not lend the money. By Altman’s scale, Abington Hill Toys has a 95% chance of going into bankruptcy in 12 months. Along with the high probability of going into bankruptcy within 12 months, the net profit margin of 5% doesn’t seem worthwhile. I would rather invest in something safer for that low of a return.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Australian Aboriginal Dot Art Essay

Aboriginal art has been overshadowed by the idea that it is primarily presented in dots. It has got to the point where people believe that certain Aboriginal people own the dot and artists both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal are hesitant to use consecutive dots within artwork. Explain how the above has evolved and where dot art has come from Dot paintings today are recognised globally as unique and integral to Australian Aboriginal art. On the surface the dot is simply a style of Aboriginal painting, like the use of cross-hatching or stencil art. Exploring deeper into the history of the Aboriginal dot painting a world of camouflage, secrecy and ritual is discovered. The term ‘dot painting’ stems from what the Western eye sees when faced with contemporary Aboriginal acrylic paintings. This painting style arose from the Papunya art movement in the 1970s. Papunya Tula artists used a process which originally mirrored traditional spiritual ceremonies. In such rituals the soil would be cleared and smoothed over as a canvas (much like the dark, earthy boards used by the Papunya Tala) for the inscription of sacred designs, replicating movements of ancestral beings upon earth. These Dreaming designs were outlined with dancing circles and often surrounded with a mass of dots. Afterward the imprinted earth would be smoothed over, painted bodies rubbed away, masking the sacred-secrets which had taken place. This ritual was shifted from ground to canvas by the Papunya Tula who eventually added an array of naturally produced colours to the restricted palette of red, yellow, black and white produced from ochre, charcoal and pipe clay. Such pieces reveal a map of circles, spirals, lines, dashes and dots, the traditional visual language of the Western Desert Aboriginal People. However these marks were permanent and due to arising interest made public, creating internal political uproar. Consequently representations of sacred objects were forbidden or concealed through the dotting technique. Now that the collecting of pieces of Aboriginal art has become so popular world-wide, a common, mistaken belief is that the Dot Painting Style of Central Australia is a recent development. This belief arises because it was in the 1960s that a Central Australian school teacher encouraged the old men of the tribe to record their art on European sheets of board, using acrylic paints. This use of acrylic paints on flat board dates from that time. However, the art style itself, with geometric designs, is seen in the petroglyphs (rock engravings) dating back thousands of years. Ancient petroglyphs showing concentric circles (non-naturalistic art style), inland South Australia The use of dots was once Australia-wide, particularly seen on body decoration when people are painted for ceremonies, and paintings in the remote Kimberley region where dots are clearly seen on the body decoration of some of the earliest human figures, likely to be older than 20,000 years. See accompanying photo. ) Dot decoration on the body of an ancient human figure, Kimberley Aboriginal Art: Traditional to Contemporary The resurgence of Australian Indigenous art has become one of the ‘most brilliant and exciting new eras of modern art. ‘ It has grown with such amazing diversity and enthusiasm that art critic, Robert Hughes, has described it as ‘the last great art movement. ‘ For indigenous Australians art has been a part of their culture and tradition for thousands of years and is recognised as one of the oldest living art traditions. Though, over the past 30 years it has progressed from being confined primarily to the tourist industry, to become a richly, evolving international art movement. Since the Renaissance of Aboriginal art during the early 1970’s, Aboriginal artists have been encouraged to find new, innovative ways of incorporating cultural traditions into their imagery. This encouragement first began through an art teacher, Geoffrey Bardon, who became the catalyst for contemporary Aboriginal art. Fascinated by the traditional sand designs created by Indigenous children in Papunya, Bardon encouraged the Aboriginal community to re-create their Dreamtime stories through paintings. He introduced them to acrylic paint and from there Aboriginal art gained a more permanent form and the style, popularly known as ‘dot art’, emerged as the most recognisable form of Aboriginal art. It was a new form of art which also allowed Aborigines to, for the first time, express to the rest of Australia and the world, the ancient traditions of their culture. Many Aboriginal artists have chosen to continue practicing traditional art as a means of conserving the conventional method of creating, inherited from their tribal ancestors. Their content, which is explicitly aboriginal, is usually derived from their history and culture, as a continuation of the spiritual link they possess with their country. Research When The emergence of ‘dot’ paintings by Indigenous men from the western deserts of Central Australia in the early 1970s has been called the greatest art movement of the twentieth century. Prior to this, most cultural material by Indigenous Australians was collected by anthropologists. Consequently, collections were found in university departments or natural history museums worldwide, not art galleries. Where That all changed at a place called Papunya. Papunya was a ‘sit-down’ place established in the early 1960s, 240 kilometres northwest of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory (NT). The settlement brought together people from several western desert language groups: the Pintupi, Warlpiri, Arrernte (Aranda), Luritja, and the Anmatyerr, who were unaccustomed to living in close proximity to each other. Dot Painting or Aboriginal Dot Art originated in the desert using natural substances on the ground in the sand. Those pictures in the sand are not unlike the paintings we see today produced using acrylic paints. The acrylic paintings are usually done using acrylic paint and it is applied to canvas or art board with various diameter sticks dipped into paint and then applied one dot at a time. The Australian Aborigine of the western desert constructed their stories using ochre, sand, blood, coal from their fires and plant material placed together on the ground clump by clump for various ceremonial occasions. If you look at the desert landscape from the height of any small bluff or hill what you see looking down are clumps of growth scattered about a red landscape. The spinifix grass, desert hardwood bush and occasional rocks or rock outcrops make up the myriad of dots that seem to cover the landscape. Because everything in the desert has meaning to the Australian Aborigine these seemingly unimportant arrays of pattern in the desert have special meaning to the Dot painters of the western desert. If you were to ever fly over the desert low enough to see what was on the ground you would see what he dot painting has replicated for you to see. These dots are a myriad of clumps of natural splendour which might go unnoticed had you not seen a dot painting and looked to see what it was about. The arrangement of the plants, rocks and water are all part of the spirit of creation and it is because of this placement that Aboriginal people have traversed the deserts safely without printed maps for th ousands of years. The placement and arrangement of all of these natural things are in songs and these songs are often sung while the painting is being created. Nearly every painting has a song and the songs often disclose important ceremonial facts about a particular region or area. These important ceremonial places are often in the paintings but because they are sacred to Aboriginal people they are camouflaged in some way, visible to the initiated person but invisible to others who do not know what to look for. Many paintings contain these special hidden meanings and the new owners of these paintings will never know what the whole story of their purchased painting is about. Only over time may some insight be gained from looking at the painting. This is a point of pride among the Australian Aboriginal artists because they see the purchase of their art or for them the sale of their art, as a validation of their race and culture by others. This is because a value has been placed on the art. Since the Australian Aboriginal culture is depicted in all traditional paintings they are passing down their knowledge in the only way they are able, to those who have yet to understand it. The Aboriginal people do not have a written language so these painting of their stories and ceremonies are all they have to save this culture for future generations. The colour and the placement of the dots are important to depicting the visible message and camouflaging the hidden message in Aboriginal dot art. Even the over painting of an area of the work has special significance and may convey different messages. Some people gifted with a since of tactile feeling are able to feel a special vibrancy emanating from their painting. Who Many of the significant early artists at Papunya were senior men who had vivid memories of their first contact with white people. Typically, they came out of the desert as adults during the 1950s drought and their connection to ritual law was strong. The first artists’ collective, Papunya Tula Artists, was set up in 1972 by men from this settlement. Papunya Tula Artists was the inspiration and model for many other Indigenous artists’ collectives. In 2009 there are 42 desert Indigenous art communities represented by Desert. The artwork was seen as a way to keep the culture alive, and carry Indigenous stories to the world. The movement was seen as being about recollection and cultural memories linked to Dreaming’s’ or story types. Why the modern aboriginal â€Å"dot art† movement started? Geoffrey Bardon AM (1940–2003) Geoffrey Bardon began working as an art teacher at Papunya Special School in 1971. Concerned that the school’s curriculum, appearance and ethos seemed out of step with Aboriginal culture, Bardon attempted unsuccessfully to involve his class in painting a series of murals on the school walls. Thereupon Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, Long Jack Phillipus Tjakamarra, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri and others created the Honey Ant Mural, which inspired many senior men to ask Bardon for painting materials and eventually begin painting in the Men’s Painting Room. The Men’s Painting Room, Papunya – Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula can be seen in the middle ground painting a Kalinypa Water Dreaming. His two boomerangs are placed in front of the board as percussion instruments, ready to be used to accompany the verses of the Water Dreaming, sung at intervals during the painting process, June-August 1971 Photo: Michael Jensen Convinced of the groundbreaking importance of what he was witnessing, Bardon made comprehensive photographic, moving film and written records of the artists and the paintings that they produced while he was at Papunya. From his primary research, Bardon wrote three books and made three films that initiated public interest in Western Desert art. In 1988 Bardon was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his unique contribution to the Western Desert art movement. The Honey Ant Mural, July 1971 Geoffrey Bardon and his Arerrnte assistant, Obed Raggett, had noticed people drawing designs in the sand at Papunya. Following this precedent, they drew circles and spirals on the blackboard in an unsuccessful attempt to encourage their class of adolescent boys to paint a series of murals on a whitewashed, cement-rendered wall of the Papunya Special School. In late July 1971, after painting a series of smaller practice murals, seven painters collaborated in the painting of a monumental mural representing the Honey Ant Dreaming specific to the site of Papunya. Working under the direction of custodians Mick Wallangkarri Tjakamarra and Tom Onion Tjapangati, the artists included Kaapa Tjampitjinpa, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri, Long Jack Phillipus Tjakamarra, Johnny Warangkula Tjupurrula and Don Ellis Tjapanangka. The Honey Ant Mural, a bold expression of Aboriginal culture in a government settlement, occasioned great rejoicing at Papunya and inspired immense pride in the community. Geoffrey Bardon in front of the Honey Ant Mural, Papunya, August 1971 Photo: Robert Bardon  © artists and their estates 2011, licensed by Aboriginal Artists Agency Limited and Papunya Tula Artists Pty Ltd Pintupi people from the Western Desert Pintupi is the name of a Western Desert language spoken by Aboriginal people who belong to a large stretch of country in the Gibson Desert of Western Australia and the western edge of the Northern Territory. When the Pintupi arrived in the government settlements east of their traditional lands between the 1930s and the 1950s, they adopted the term ‘Pintupi’ to distinguish themselves from the surrounding Aboriginal inhabitants as the ‘people from the west’. They were among the last Aboriginal people in Australia to abandon their nomadic lifestyle, the last family arriving into the newly established community of Kiwirrkura in 1984. In Papunya, the Pintupi, bound to each other by their dominant loyalties of relatedness and kinship, were ostracised due to their lack of conversance with kartiya (non-Aboriginal) customs and their perceived lack of sophistication. Diversity within â€Å"dot art† – showing two different artists works. Uta Uta Tjangala – Traditional Artist Uta Uta Tjangala, who is an exemplar of the historical cultural tradition, Uta Uta’s painting career and reputation is closely aligned to the artistic renaissance that began at Papunya in 1971. He was a founding member of the men’s painting group, inspired other Pintupi tribesmen, and becoming one of the most senior and influential painters amongst the group. Born in Western Australia in Drovers Hills, he made the epic journey to Haasts Bluff with his family during the severe drought of the mid to late 1950’s in the company of Charlie Tarawa. Two years later, after returning to his homelands, he made the journey once more with Timmy Payungka, Pinta Pinta and their families. Uta Uta Tjangala (early years) Employed as a gardener at the Papunya school Uta Uta, then in his 40’s, became one of the original group drawing and painting on composition board with encouragement from art teacher Geoff Bardon. When supplying paints to Uta Uta and his gathering group of enthusiastic friends, Bardon suggested the men use their existing cultural symbols to depict their Dreamings and links to the land. The Pintupi men, having been pushed from their traditional homelands by government policy and European development, painted under a bough shelter behind the camp ‘pouring into their work their acute longing for the places depicted †¦ and chanting the song cycles that told the stories of the designs as they worked’ . These early works aroused strong protest within Aboriginal communities when first exhibited in Alice Springs in 1974 because of the disclosure of secret and sacred knowledge. A period of experimentation followed, resulting in the development of a symbolic language of classic ideograms and the characteristic dot covered areas that veil sacred elements from the uninitiated. The large, tribally mixed population of Papunya intensified the interaction, but under the influence of artists like Uta Uta, the painting group was able to break through the political and cultural constraints toward a safer stylistic conformity, and prepare the way for personal and distinctive styles to emerge. Uta Uta in particular, with his exciting and charismatic personality as well as his bold and dynamic style, played a vital role in these developments. Bardon recalled many years later, ‘everything that came from him was genuine’ . Uta Uta’s 1971 and 1972 paintings generally featured major story elements with only the barest dotted in-fill within the iconography and small sections of the background. The aesthetic balance and harmony of these works is derived through colour and weight rather than by a geometric division of the painted surface. The rather crude dotting and line work of these early paintings on board embues them with an energy and power that is less apparent in his later more technically proficient works. His paintings are far stronger and more powerful when the clean unadorned background remains, unlike paintings by his contemporary Kaapa, whose early works became more aesthetically appealing as he began to in-fill the background. In developing a style that censored the more secret and sacred content in his painting, Uta Uta added more dot-work as the years went by. He painted more Tingari sites completely surrounded by neat dots that became less and less detailed. Despite his advancing age during the late 1970’s he continued to paint as he spent increasing time at outstations west of Papunya and, at the beginning of the 1980’s, he completed what was to become one of the most important and revered works of the entire Western Desert art movement. Yumari 1981, possibly his largest and most significant painting, reveals the mythical Tingari ancestors traveling across vast stretches of country as they create sites and institute rituals. Yumari is a rocky outcrop in his home country and the key ceremonial site of the area. Story elements and natural features blend seamlessly into a beautifully balanced geometry of concentric circles and connecting lines that enclose a central, abstracted figure. This body continues rather than interrupts the intense, minutely dotted background configurations, yet still holds the central focus. The work is characterised by the sinuous movement of converging regular and irregular shapes, accentuated by outlining white dots. The predominant use of an earthy red alongside vivid yellow ochre, further emphasizes the assertive quality in this cohesive and powerful statement of Aboriginal tradition. The work was exhibited at the XVIII Bienal de Sao Paulo in 1983 and is now in the collection of the National Museum of Australia. While painting Yumari, important discussions were taking place at Papunya concerning the move back to the Pintupi homelands at Kintore. Land rights legislation during the 1970’s returned ownership of the land to its traditional owners and Uta Uta was a strong advocate for resettlement.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Wayward Wayward Wayward By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, What is the meaning of wayward? When would it be used in a positive context? When would it be used in a negative context? Because wayward is a negative sort of word, I can’t think of a context in which it would be used positively. Modern speakers use wayward as an adjective, but it began as a directional adverb. To go â€Å"(a)wayward† was to go in a direction away from something. One modern meaning of the adjective is â€Å"disposed to go counter to the wishes or advice of others.† In a religious context, â€Å"wayward children† are those who have departed from childhood teachings. â€Å"A wayward animal† is one that has strayed from its owner. â€Å"A wayward bullet† is one that has gone astray from the intended direction. â€Å"A wayward government† is one that is not following the rules. â€Å"A wayward boy† may mean simply that the boy has emotional problems, whereas the description â€Å"a wayward girl† often has sexual connotations. Here are some examples of usage seen in headlines and articles on the Web: Wayward Tortoise Detained by Los Angeles Police, Eventually Claimed by Owner Sam rolled  over  in the bed and  encountered a wayward  pillow instead of his wife.   Blueprint for reforming a wayward press council Faithful Parents and Wayward Children: Sustaining Hope While Overcoming Misunderstanding [Father Flanagan] founded Boys Town as a humble home for wayward youngsters nearly a century ago. By the turn of the centuryreformers had come to view sexually active women not as victims but as delinquents, and they called for special police, juvenile courts, and reformatories to control wayward girls.   Wayward Capitalists: Targets of the Securities and Exchange Commission (book title) Here are some synonyms for the different connotations of wayward: willful headstrong stubborn obstinate obdurate perverse contrary insubordinate disobedient undisciplined rebellious defiant uncooperative recalcitrant unruly wild unmanageable erratic refractory Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"50 Idioms About Meat and Dairy ProductsFew vs. Several

Monday, October 21, 2019

Which and That to Introduce Clauses

Which and That to Introduce Clauses Which and That to Introduce Clauses Which and That to Introduce Clauses By Maeve Maddox In Modern English Usage (1926), Fowler argues the case for limiting that to what he calls â€Å"defining clauses† and reserving which to introduce â€Å"non-defining clauses.† Note: Fowler’s terms defining and non-defining correspond to restrictive and nonrestrictive. Yet, here we are, more than 80 years later, and questions about when to use which and when to use that to introduce a clause are among those most commonly asked at this and other grammar sites. The usual explanation begins like this: THAT  should be used to introduce a restrictive clause. WHICH  should be used to introduce a non-restrictive clause. For starters, let’s look at the terms restrictive and nonrestrictive. In my own experience of learning grammar, I had a hard time trying to keep these terms straight. Perhaps I have too much imagination, but I kept thinking that the â€Å"restrictive clause† was the one that ought to have the commas, because, well, commas enclose things, don’t they? And enclosing something restricts it, no? The editors of the Associated Press Stylebook must be aware of mindsets like mine because they reject the terms restrictive and nonrestrictive in favor of essential and nonessential: These terms [essential and nonessential] are used in this book instead of restrictiveand nonrestrictive to convey the distinction between the two in a more easily remembered manner. –AP Stylebook These alternative terms certainly make it easier for me remember the distinction. The word essential means â€Å"absolutely necessary.† An â€Å"essential clause† is critical to the reader’s understanding of what the author has in mind; a â€Å"nonessential clause† is perhaps helpful or interesting, but can be omitted without altering the principal meaning of the sentence. Ergo, the nonessential clause is the one that gets the commas. The nonessential clause is also the one that gets the which. Mind you, using which to introduce an essential clause is not the unpardonable sin some readers–chiefly American–insist that it is. Writers of British English often use which to introduce an essential clause. Here are just two examples from sources committed to the dissemination of impeccable English: We may link to external sites which give particular views of a person or organisation significant to a current news story –BBC style manual. The  Royal Charter  which governs our work sets out the objects for which we exist. –British Council website. In the first example, particular sites are meant; in the second, a particular royal charter is being referred to. Both of these which clauses are restrictive/essential. Banning the use of which to introduce essential clauses is a stylistic decision, not a grammatical necessity. Even the premier American style guide admits as much: Although which can be substituted for that in a restrictive clause (a common practice in British English), many writers preserve the distinction between restrictive that (with no commas) and nonrestrictive which (with commas). –Chicago Manual of Style, 6.22. That Chicago does not approve of using which to introduce an essential (restrictive) clause is made clear in the section titled â€Å"Good usage versus common usage†: In polished American prose, that is used restrictively to narrow a category or identify a particular item being talked about: â€Å"any building that is taller must be outside the state†; which is used nonrestrictively- not to narrow a class or identify a particular item but to add something about an item already identified: â€Å"alongside the officer trotted a toy poodle, which is hardly a typical police dog.†Ã¢â‚¬â€œCMOS That for essential clauses and which for nonessential clauses is without question the preferred American usage. And although which is still being used in British English to introduce some essential clauses, according to at least one British style guide, that is edging it out: Restrictive [i.e., essential] clauses relating to things may begin with either that or which, although there is an increasing tendency for that to be preferred. – Penguin Writer’s Manual, p. 32. Here are some sentences that reflect the preferred that/which usage: The car that I want is out of my price range. (essential clause) The car, which is only two years old, sold for $2,000. (nonessential clause) The kitten that has white paws is the one I want. (essential clause) The kitten, which was Jack’s favorite, never came back. (nonessential clause) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About NumbersDoes "Mr" Take a Period?Ebook, eBook, ebook or e-book?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Miller Test Used for Defining Obscenity in U.S. Courts

Miller Test Used for Defining Obscenity in U.S. Courts The Miller test is the standard used by courts to define obscenity. It  comes from the 1973 Supreme Courts 5-4 ruling in Miller v. California,  in which Chief Justice Warren Burger, writing for the majority, held that obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment. What Is the First Amendment? The First Amendment is the one that guarantees Americans’ freedoms. We can worship in any faith we choose, whenever we choose. The government cannot restrict these practices. We have the right to petition the government and to assemble. But the First Amendment is most commonly known as our right to freedom of speech and expression. Americans can speak their minds without fear of reprisal. The First Amendment reads like this: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The 1973 Miller v. California Decision   Chief Justice Burger stated the Supreme Courts  definition of obscenity:  Ã‚   The basic guidelines for the trier of fact must be: (a) whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest ... (b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. If a state obscenity law is thus limited, First Amendment values are adequately protected by ultimate independent appellate review of constitutional claims when necessary. To put it in laymans terms, the following questions must be answered:   Is it pornography?Does it actually show sex?Is it otherwise useless? So What Does This Mean?   Courts have traditionally held that the  sale and distribution of obscene material are not protected by the First Amendment. In other words, you can speak your mind freely, including the distribution of printed materials, unless youre promoting or talking about something obscene based on the above standards. The guy standing next to you, an Average Joe, would be offended by what youve said or distributed. A sexual act is depicted or described. And your words and/or materials serve no other purpose but to promote this obscenity.   The Right to Privacy   The First Amendment applies only to disseminating pornography or obscene materials. It doesnt protect you if you share the materials or shout from the rooftop for all to hear. You can, however, quietly possess those materials for your own use and enjoyment because you also have a constitutional right to privacy.  Although no amendment specifically states this, several amendments pay lip service to the issue of privacy. The Third Amendment protects your home against unreasonable entry, the Fifth Amendment protects you against self-incrimination and the Ninth Amendment generally supports your right to privacy because it upholds the Bill of Rights. Even if a right is not specifically stated in the first eight amendments, it’s protected if it’s alluded to in the Bill of Rights.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cultural Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Anthropology - Essay Example Therefore, this essay is going to understand and appreciate the legacy of Tom Harrison who is credited for bringing transformations to the study of cultural anthropology. Additionally, this paper delves into the numerous studies conducted by Tom Harrison and his team and succeeding publications and monographs (Bodley 43). Furthermore, the discussion analyzes his videos in terms of scientific and empirical input in producing objective works that have interested people in the field of cultural anthropology. In the field of cultural anthropology, Tom Harrison is a revered figure who transformed the field until his demise in 1976. With many publications that include papers and monographs in respected scientific journals, the anthropologist loved for walking barefoot during his researches is an indelible mark in anthropology. For instance, the videos detail many of his groundbreaking academic researches that range from studying people, cultures, traditions and customs among others in orde r to understand the link between culture and existence. However, his studies on the inhabitants of Melakula in the New Hebrides propelled him into his seminal book: Savage Civilization that was generated from the study. Another endearing trait that makes him an icon in the cultural anthropology was his ability to integrate both scientific and empirical methods of research (Bodley 48).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Research news to find stories uncovered by corporate media Paper

News to find stories uncovered by corporate media - Research Paper Example This paper describes the necessity to look deeper into the problems, which seem quite superficial from the first sight but in reality bear a substantial meaning.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Nowadays corporate media ignore some problems which are of paramount importance for the consideration of government. They concentrate their attention on the issues, which are solicited among the population. The widespread magazine articles, such as â€Å"How to lose a guy in 10 days† or â€Å"Life of celebrities† are read every day by the millions of people, without paying attention to the states of things, which take place in the surrounding world. However corporate media is oriented on the demand of the ordinary buyer, which is quite understandable. The regular reader does not want to be concerned about the entire issues, instead he wants to feel released and relaxed. My researches of the problems, ignored by the media of the USA resulted in the following articles: All articles were taken from the site called â€Å"Whowhatwhy†. The authors of the articles made a great success, because they discussed the topics, which were not revealed by means of American corporate media, considering them to be of no importance. However, reading these articles, we understand that such problems must not be ignored by the society. The articles cover the area of truth and society. I will start by the paper of Russ Baker â€Å"Classic Who: Should Pollard be Released?†. The case of Jonathan Pollard (a famous Israel spy) is still in the process of consideration. The thing is that after revealing Pollards connection with Israel authorities, he received a life sentence, which was approved by the court of the USA. However, the Israel members of the alliance were astonished for such a cruelty. They stated that the USA did not have enough evidence to blame Pollard for committing such a crime. The most interesting is that documents, revealed in the CIA appro ved such a possibility, which raised the question of

Readmission essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Readmission - Essay Example I had to undergo a lot of stress and due to this aspect, I had a double mind. I know now that I should have given priority to my studies and then to my girlfriend, but within the thick of things I just could not do what I should have carried out. I regret the inconvenience that it caused to the Purdue University but I am sure nothing of this sort will ever happen again, as I have realized the gravity of the mistake that I had committed. I have fortunately overcome the situation that I was engulfed within. Now I can concentrate whole-heartedly towards my studies and this is the single most significant reason why my academic record shall increase in the coming times. I am sure that I will improve on my record if I am given a chance to showcase my true skills and mettle. This is in line with my vision to set things right within my study realms. I have an undecided major within the university but I am certain that I shall take one up as soon as I am allotted the readmission that would put me in a better position to comprehend the study nuances. For this, I need to be within the university itself to decide which major would be deemed as the most significant one and where I shall achieve success in the coming times. As for now, I am still undecided because I need to learn on my own and acquire more skills because this will set the ball rolling for my career. Ever since I was dropped from the Purdue University, I have gained fresh insights. I have realized that education is the basis of every human success that is achieved in this day and age. I have also come to terms with the comprehension that I need to set my own house in order before delving into other zones. Also my priorities should be straight so that I could achieve what I direly need for myself. This is something that could be seen as a positive within my personality which has come about in the recent times. In the end, I would request the management at the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

War on terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

War on terrorism - Essay Example Morgan speaks about Canadian politicians in the following terms: "they've been using that familiar demon -the United States and all its evils- as the fuel to heat Canadian voters to a frenzy. () And all the while, they're studiously ignoring Canada's own homegrown issues." Morgan stated the following about Canadians in general: "There's no denying that Canadians are in an even more anti-American mood than usual, thanks to the Iraq war and the Bush administration's perceived arrogance. () Politicians here know that Canadians love to read, talk and debate about U. S. transgressions. Newspaper articles point to ethnic profiling at airports and long border waits as evidence that the war on terrorism is a sham, and that Americans are simply looking for excuses to harass Canadians for the country's multicultural society." (Morgan, 2006). Morgan pointed out the following about Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin, the NAFTA's accord, and the Canadian government: "he (Martin) conveniently neglected to mention that Canada, which is one of the accord's major promoters, so far hasn't complied with its emission reduction requirements.

Senior Philosophy Seminar Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Senior Philosophy Seminar - Assignment Example Plato believed that the knowledge represented by these lines are ordered highest to lowest as follows CE, CD, AC, and AB. 2 Explain the cave that Plato describes, with the prisoners, the platform from which the shadows are cast and the exit to the real world. The cave that Plato describes is a group of people chained to the wall of a cave for all of their lives. These people face a blank wall with a fire continuously roaring behind them. All that the chained people can see are shadows of the other people between them and the fire. For the prisoners the shadows are reality. However if a prisoner was freed, they could see that the shadows were not reality. Philosophers are like freed prisoners. Philosophers are like freed prisoners, they can detect reality from shadows. Sextus Empericus 3 What is the goal of Skepticism? The goal of the skepticism is to research truth about reality be comparing different truths in order to have peace of mind through the lack of judgment. A skeptic never passes judgment, but always searches truth in reality by comparing different truths. Descartes 4 Through what chain of reasoning does Descartes attempt to doubt his own body and all elements of it? Descartes uses the wax argument to doubt his own body and all elements of it. The wax argument is where Descartes takes a ball of wax. He looks at it, touches it, smells it, and uses his five senses to define the ball of wax. However when he puts the ball of wax next to a flame it loses it shape, it smells different, it sounds different, it feels different, and basically the wax changes. The human body can change the way it smells, tastes, sounds, feels, and looks. This is the reasoning Descartes uses to doubt his body. He concludes the only reason he exists is because he reasons. Locke 5 According to Locke, if our mind is a blank sheet of paper, how does it come to be filled? Where do complex ideas come from, according to Locke? John Locke believed that sensations and reflections are th e two sources of all our ideas. As a baby develops in the womb, the sensations fill the mind. After birth the sensations and growing reflections of thought fill the mind. Complex ideas come from education. The education of a man really makes a man according to Locke. Good education makes for a good person; likewise bad education makes a bad person. Hume 6 If all of our knowledge of matters of fact depends on cause and effect, what is the source of our ideas of cause and effect, according to Hume? How does Hume argue for this? According to Hume, people reason inductively by correlating repetitively joined events. The thought of cause and effect result in knowledge. Hume historians believe Hume taught three types of causation exist; the logical positivist; the skeptical realist; and the quasi-realist. The logical positivist which argues that A leads to B or A most likely leads to B. The skeptical realist argues that if A leads to B an underlying cause is the reason. The quasi-realist believes that cause and effect can be anticipated by past behavior. 7 Why does Hume think we go in a circle when we try to demonstrate why we believe in cause and effect? Cause and effect is based on experience. Since experience can be different for diverse situations cause and effect might not always work for everyone. For example, a person in Moscow might say precipitation from the sky will cause snow packed roofs in December, but a person in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

War on terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

War on terrorism - Essay Example Morgan speaks about Canadian politicians in the following terms: "they've been using that familiar demon -the United States and all its evils- as the fuel to heat Canadian voters to a frenzy. () And all the while, they're studiously ignoring Canada's own homegrown issues." Morgan stated the following about Canadians in general: "There's no denying that Canadians are in an even more anti-American mood than usual, thanks to the Iraq war and the Bush administration's perceived arrogance. () Politicians here know that Canadians love to read, talk and debate about U. S. transgressions. Newspaper articles point to ethnic profiling at airports and long border waits as evidence that the war on terrorism is a sham, and that Americans are simply looking for excuses to harass Canadians for the country's multicultural society." (Morgan, 2006). Morgan pointed out the following about Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin, the NAFTA's accord, and the Canadian government: "he (Martin) conveniently neglected to mention that Canada, which is one of the accord's major promoters, so far hasn't complied with its emission reduction requirements.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Protecting refugee women from the sexual violence in refugee camps Essay

Protecting refugee women from the sexual violence in refugee camps (sexual violence against refugee women) - Essay Example Female refugees in this position seek political asylum. Refugee and aid agencies should ensure bringing justice to victims and bringing to book the perpetrators of sexual violence (Parrot, & Cummings, 2008). In the face of conflict, there is a disruption of families and women have to protect their families. When families disperse, separations of children from their families occur. In the process of conflict arising, women face sexual abuse from those in power, sexual bartering, and abduction by those in conflict and mass rape. Fleeing women face sexual attacks by bandits, border guards, and pirates. While in the asylum country, they have to endure sexual coercion from locals and those in authority, as well as prostitution for survival (Alfredson 2009, p. 154). Regardless of the age of a victim, sexual violence strips off a woman’s self-worth and dignity. In the refugee camps, the women are at risk and easy target to sexual violence from the military, residents, migration officials, and police. Their vulnerability is because of the dependency created in refugee camps. From a Report on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1998), women are vulnerable because there is no work, or the systems do not ensure that everyone has access to his or her rations. The women are also in danger while escaping heir war-torn countries. They become prey to smugglers and border guards who extort sexual favours from them to allow them entry into the host country. These women do not report the cases to authorities because of the stigma associated with sexual violence and fear of the authorities in power. When  invading  a  section  of  victims  body  with a  sexual  organ, or  anal  or  any  genital  opening  of  the  victim  using  an  object  or  any  other  part  of  the  body.  This  would  include  by  force, in coercion, threatening  to  use  force, in a

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa By Yasunari Kawabata Essay Example for Free

The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa By Yasunari Kawabata Essay INTRODUCTION Yasunari Kawabata June (1899 –1972) was a Japanese writer whose was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968 for his auxiliary, poetic and ingeniously colored style of writing. No Japanese author had received the award prior to Kawabata. Besides fiction he also worked as a reporter for Mainichi Shimbun of Osaka. The war and the fact that all of Kawabata’s relatives passed away while he was young had a profound impact on his life. Kawabata committed suicide in 1972. Many speculations have been made about his reasons, which include poor health, a likely failed love affair, or the distress caused by the suicide of his friend Yukio Mishima in 1970. HISTORY OF ASAKUSA Asakusa was mostly a city for commercial enjoyment, but it also preserved its local vivacity. It was this mixture of barefaced pleasure and intrinsic worth that fascinated the throngs of people who came to visit Asakusa. It was surely this fusion that was most lamented, subsequent to the 1923 earthquake, however Asakusa regained its former glory and up to its final days, was able to hold on to somewhat of its former appeal. LIFE IN ASAKUSA Primarily the plot circles around The Scarlet Gang, which is a gang formed by some young people in Asakusa, many gangs like these existed in Asakusa at the time, the gang’s various endeavors are narrated in first person, the narrator himself is never identified by Kawabata, the accounts of the gang’s various activities are used to describe life in Asakusa, the narrator   himself wanders around Asakusa and relates the gang’s activities, the primary focus in the book is not the gang itself but rather the account of the narrator, who moves from one place to another following the Scarlet Gang, the narrator also implies that the gang is involved in illegal actions but does not specify the kind of illegal activities. Only a few characters appear throughout the book which are actually related to the gang. Kawabata’s main purpose clearly was to give an account of life in Asakusa, which he manages to accomplish in a very rough yet poetic manner mostly due to his choice of first person narrative. With its corporeal and sexual appeal, Asakusa prospered in every way, Tanizaki writes that Asakusa’s   attractions included â€Å"plays, operettas, comedies, movies from the West and Japanese productions, Douglas Fairbanks and Onoe Matsunosuke acrobats balancing on balls, bareback rider Naniwa bushi singers, chanters, the merry-go-round, the Hanayashiki Amusement Park, the Twelve Story Tower, shooting galleries, whores, Japanese restaurants, Chinese restaurants, and Western restaurants, the Rairaiken, won ton mein, oysters over rice, horsemeat, snapping turtles, eels, and the Cafà © Paulista.† (Donald Richie 2005 ) Asakusa was also famous for its Opera, where at first some opera was actually sung. An early show Rigoletto, and â€Å"La donna à © mobile† became a success with the locals, later however, the shows became more diverse. This rough and unsightly but vivacious and energetic Asakusa was soon after ruined. The 1923 Kanto earthquake destroyed it, as it flattened much of Tokyo and Yokohama. Among the more well-known catastrophe was the destruction of the Asakusa’s, Twelve Story tower also known as the Cloud Surpassing Pavilion, a building which had become the symbol of Asakusa. The old neighborhood was also destroyed, the sense of belonging to a society, that had attracted so many people was also in no way completely regained. Since it was a city of enjoyment, an amusement capital, a city with one of the best night life in the world, however, rebuilding began at once. And now, representing the new Asakusa, instead of the Twelve Story Tower there is the Subway Tower building, with its observation platform. Kawabata writes that all the floors are in the Osaka style, except the top ones as they have been turned into restaurants. (Tokyo essentials 2006) COMPARASION WITH OTHER URBAN CENTRES Throughout the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth, Asakusa was the most important pleasure hub of Tokyo. From the 1840s to the 1940s, it was comparable to Montmartre in Paris, and Alexanderplatz in Berlin (Donald Richie. 2005) This region of Osaka was recognized for trade rather than its customs, commonly mourned after the earthquake. â€Å"Why, it’s gotten just like Osaka,† complains a character in one Kawabata story. Writing about The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa, Kataoka Yoshikaze, writing in 1939, illustrates the new Asakusa as that, â€Å"Human market, where the pleasure resort of the Edo period, the vestiges of the crude, semi-enlightened curiosity of the Meiji era, and the over-ripeness . . . of the present era of capitalist corruption, are thrown together in a forever disordered state or organized in a manner peculiarly like the place itself. Eroticism and frivolity and speed and comic-strip humor; the bare legs of dancing girls and jazzy revues; kiss-dances, foreign girls, ground-cherries and popular songs; the movie, the circus, the fake, dilapidated aquarium and insectariums. (Donald Richie 2005) In The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa Kawabata quotes Soeda Azenbo’s fine depiction: â€Å"In Asakusa everything is flung out in the raw. Desires dance naked. All races, all classes, all jumbled together forming a bottomless, endless current, flowing day and night, no beginning, no end†.( Donald Richie 2005). Asakusa was kept alive by all these varied attractions, one of the most well-liked attraction was the cinema, a type of activity early linked with Asakusa for the reason that the first Tokyo movie house, â€Å"the Denkikan†, had opened there in 1903. Kawabata relates that by 1930, Asakusa had fourteen cinemas. He also affirms, however, that it had even more theaters. In the summer of 1930, his assessment calculated half a dozen vaudeville, or yose, halls, one kabuki theater, a large number of pawnshops and beggars in the city, around eight hundred were living in Asakusa Park, although Kawabata did not trust this social estimation and retained that there were a lot more. (Donald Richie 2005) CONCLUSION Life in Asakusa in its golden period is described by Kawabata as one big party, where the primary concern for its citizens and its visitors was entertainment, in its golden period Asakusa was considered one of the biggest entertainment center in the world and every visitor affirmed this fact, a life full of entertainment was considered normal in Asakusa Kawabata writes about Asakusa at its prewar stage. The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa captures the area in its golden period, when hundreds of people came to visit the city, the variety of attractions like theatre, cinema, restaurants, geisha houses made the city a commercial entertainment center. According to Kawabata â€Å"Asakusa is like a specimen in the Bug House, something completely different from today’s world like a remote island or some African village† (Kawabata 2005) WORKS CITED Yasunari Kawabata (2005) The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa .1st edition Published by University of California Press Donald Richie (2005) â€Å"Foreword: The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa by Yasunari Kawabata†. Accessed on 12th November 2006 from : Tokyo Essentials (2006) â€Å" Asakusa† Accessed on 12th November 2006 from: Asakusa

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Macroeconomic Analysis of Saudi Arabia and UAE

Macroeconomic Analysis of Saudi Arabia and UAE INTRODUCTION: The increasing economic development in UAE and Saudi Arabia has made these developing states an excellent nation for those people who choose to expand overseas or are interested in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Globalization aids to strengthen their distribution channel and their economies. Saudi Arabia is rapidly gaining importance as a manufacturer and economic leader in the world. These countries have eliminated many of their trade barriers now and have a free trade economic system that attracts many business men from around the globe who seek new consumers and target market for their products (Bloomberg, 2010). UNITED ABRAB EMIRATES PEST ANALYSIS: (P)OLITICAL: The stable political situation of UAE enough to attract almost any major financial institution that needs to invest. These financial institutions can assist in accessing capital markets emerging within the UAE economy. the banking system developed my emirates is a relationship based system of banking with the monetary policy and system capable enough to fulfill funding supplies of a later stage that may be equity leasing or loans (John, 2010). (E)CONOMIC: Out of three million population of UAE 60% of them are in the workforce. In the UAE economy the level of FDI is very high. Globalization has helped improve the UAE economy greatly by bringing in thousands of workers, services and products from throughout the world. UAE has been a member of World Bank, WTO and IMF for seven years. The country has huge wealth and has experienced trade surplus of approximately over 100 billion dirham in the past year (Tomlinson, 2010). (S)OCIAL: All of UAE citizens have high living standard, a western lifestyle and continues rising financial positions. The society remains free and open to all types of restaurants, tourism, sport and recreational activities. The multicultural nature of society and economy existing in UAE allows fir many of the foreigners to work there in well paid positions (Cateora and Graham, 2007). (T)ECHNOLOGICAL: The UAE population comprise of young and extremely technologically knowledgeable professionals. The IT industry aids tourism, hotel and IT service sector. The IT software industries and internet usage in the gulf region is double the rate of Europe. The UAE population has the largest users of internet, satellite and mobile phone within the Middle East (Cateora and Graham, 2007). SAUDI ARABIA PEST ANALYSIS: (P)OLITICAL: The politically stable government of Saudi Arab attracts many of the foreign investors and business men. The government also provides various incentives that attract many investors and tourism from around the globe (Morgan, 2010) (E)CONOMIC: Saudi Arab accounts for the worlds major oil producer and exporters. This allows Saudi economy to earn a high GDP. It also helps its current account to balance against the value of imports when the demand for oil is high (Griffin and Pustay, 2009). (S)OCIAL: The religious history of Saudi Arabia for the Muslim also holds great significance. In the religious seasons people from all over the world come to pay visit to the holy places. This accounts for much of the revenue for Saudi economy. Hotels, restaurants and residential places earn high revenue in these seasons (McGinley, 2010). (T)ECHNOLOGICAL: Saudi Arab is a country that keeps itself technologically updated as it needs to cater a massive population of tourists and visitors from around the world. Saudi Arab imports technological machinery from Japan and other countries which enables it to be established as well-technologically equipped country (Morgan, 2010) MACRO ECONNOMIC ANALYSIS OF BOTH ECONOMIES: BALANCE OF TRADE: It refers to the difference in the VALUE of imports and the VALUE of exports when a country trades (Stanlake and Grant, 1995). SAUDI ARABIA Saudi Arabian economy reported a trade deficit of about US$ 32638.2 MILLIONS in the year 2009 in spite of being the worlds largest producer and exporter of oil with more than 90% of exports being based on it. Major imports of Saudi Arabia include equipment, machinery, food stuff and chemicals with its main trading partners being European Union, China and Japan (Source: trading, indicators, international monetary fund) Analyzing the trend we see a stable balanced of trade from the year 2000 to 2006. It then gradually increases till 2009 and falls very rapidly in 2010.we also see rapid rise from the year 2005 to 2006 and from 2008 till 2010 (McGinley, 2010). UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The exports of natural gas and petroleum play an important role in the UAE export economy. It mainly imports chemical, machinery and equipment from its major trading partners: India, Japan, China and European Union (Menafn, 2009) (Source:, Ministry Of Economy) Unlike Saudi Arabia, the BOT of UAE shows a positive upward trend. It grows steadily from the year 2001 to 2005 and rapidly reaches 211.3 billion 2007. It then falls to 170.85 billion in 2008 which is not too sharp a decrease as it has swiftly gone up in the year 2009-2010. GDP GROWTH RATE: It refers to the gross domestic product that is gained by calculating the difference between the imports and the exports (Hobday, 1988). SAUDI ARABIA The economy of Saudi Arabia expanded over 0.6% last year. The worth of Saudi Arabia GDP is 0.6% of the economic world or 369million dollars (Source:, Saudi Arabian Central Department) The trend shown for the GDP rate of Saudi Arabia is not stable. We see a sharp rise and a sharp fall from 2001 to 2002 and from 2003 to 2004 reaching up to 7.66% from 2004 we see a fluctuating GDP rate that falls to 0.6% in the year 2010. This downward trend is not favorable for Saudi Arabia. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Unlike the, Saudi which expanded over the last year, UAE Economy experienced contraction of 2.10% last year. The UAE GPD is worth $ 261 billion and accounts for 0.42% of the total of the world economies. (Source:, Ministry Of Economy) The UAE analysis of GDP growth shows a high GDP of about 8% from the start of 2001.UAE and Saudi Arabia has a similar trend till 2004. But UAE shows a 12% rise in GDP rate from 2001, unlike Saudi Arabia which shows just 8% from 2001. Saudi Arabia GDP falls to 0.6% by the end of the year 2010 while UAE experienced negative rate of -2.1% (Time out Dubai, 2009) INFLATION: Inflation refers to the general increase in the price levels over the period of time (Stanlake and Grant, 1995). SAUDI ARABIA The inflation rate through the year 2010 was reported at 5.51%. It touched historical heights in 2008 with inflation of 11.08 % (Source:, Saudi Arabian Central Department) The inflation rate of Saudi Arabia shows an upward trend. It is 0.31% in 2001 and continues to rise till 2009. The economy then faces a gradual decrease in the inflation rate and it falls to 3.5% near 2010, from 11.08% same year. By the end of 2010 and the starting of 2011 we see inflation again expected to rise to 5.51% (Tomlinson, 2010). UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The average inflation rate of UAE is 6.27%. The historical highest inflation recorded for UAE had been 11.10 % (Source:, Ministry of Economy) The inflation rate of UAE has grown steadily over the years. The trend shows no downward trend but it continues to grow from 2003 till 2008. Unlike Saudi Arabia high shows fluctuation and steady growth of inflation, UAE economy has faced an upward trend for inflation for the past years. UMEMPLOYEMENT: The unemployment rate is defined as the number of people of the total labor force who are unemployed or/and seeking for work (Turnovsky, 1977). SAUDI ARABIA According to the last report the unemployment rate in Saudi Arabia was 10.5% in Saudi Arabia. From 1999 till 2009 Saudi Arabias unemployment rate reached to the average of 10.5%. The historical height of Saudi Arabias unemployment rate was recorded at 12%. (Source:, Saudi Arabian Central Department) The unemployment rate illustrated above shows an upward trend of rising unemployment in the Saudi economy which is definitely not a favorable indicator for the overall economy. We see the percentage of the labor force unemployed falling from the year 2007 to 2009 sharply but it fails to keep it lower and rises again to 10.5% by the end of 2010. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The unemployment rate of UAE far exceeds of that of Saudi Arabia. It was calculated as 20.60 in 2004 which was the historical height achieved for the UAE economy according to arabian news (Tomlinson, 2010) (Source:, Ministry of Economy) For UAE economy the unemployment rate shows an upward trend but not as rapidly and sharp as for the Saudi Arabia. But the total percentage of the rate of unemployment in UAE is higher than of Saudi Arabia which has a fluctuating trend for unemployment. INTEREST RATE: It refers to the price of borrowing and lending (Hobday, 1988) SAUDI ARABIA The decisions making authority regarding the interest rates lies with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) (Cateora and Graham, 2007). (Source:, Saudi Arabian Central Department) The interest rate trend shown above illustrates a downward initial trend and then a slight increasing graph followed by a sharper fall with a stable and constant rate from 2009 till 2010. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The UAE interest rate decision making authority lies with the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (Ahmed, 2004) (Source:, Ministry of Economy) The interest rate trend for the UAE economy and Saudi Arabian economy is very different. Un like Saudi Arabia UAE faces many fluctuation through the years from 20007 till starts at a higher rate, remain stable, falls and then rises quite sharply. It then experiences little fluctuations and rests at 1.80 with the starting of 2011. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT: SAUDI ARAB ECONOMY The over analysis of past trends suggest that the inflationary pressures might stay manageable and stable over the period of 2010-12 (John, 2010). This inflation will reflect the weakened interest rate .A weakened interest rate will compel people to spend more. Demand for money will rise as indicated by the monetarist view (Cateora and Graham, 2007). The increased supply of money will eventually increase the price levels as the quantity theory of money explains. There may be a fear of inflation which may exist then. Population growth will be generating some local price pressures. The economy is expected to grow by an average 3.7% in the upcoming year 2010-14. Resources reveal that the Saudi economy is expected to be greatly supported by extensive spending by the government thus absorbing a large proportion of the job market. A strong increase in investment projects by the government is also expected. There will be good domestic consumption of oil but weaker oil export due to higher o il prices (Bloomberg, 2010). Due to stronger investment projects from the government the economy will face greater injections into it which will result in falling unemployment rate and rising income levels. This will leave a favorable and positive impact on the Saudi economy in the upcoming years. But looking at the Saudi economy from the Keynes view/Classical theory of income and employment we see as the employment and income levels will rise due to injections in the economy, there will come a certain level, that aggregate demand will no longer bring any changes in the income and employment levels but prices will begin to rise which will indicate inflation in the long run (Shihab, 1996). UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The growth forecast for UAE is lowered by the IMF to less than 1% (Tomlinson, 2010). UAE economy is expected to grow 2.9% following year. The investment activity is expected to be weak as the emirate is trying to redefine its economic objectives (Bloomberg, 2010). As the UAE economy will try to reduce its rate of inflation unemployment is expected to rise as defined by the Phillips curve and his short theory of two devils that exist in the society. For the longer run, the monetarist view can also be taken into account when we will see UAE economy will try to reduce its rate of unemployment. The offered higher wages will ultimately be raising the cost of production in the long run and instantly growing inflation continuing the trend the economy showed for the pat years. This will result in falling income levels and higher rate of unemployment as the withdrawal and injection approach suggests (Menafn, 2009). Experts suggest that the above economies should try to reduce their rate if inflation especially in case of UAE. This may reduce the unemployment level and the levels of income will eventually raise giving people higher living standards. As for Saudi Arabia expert suggests the government to precede with its investment projects and attract other investors from throughout the world. As the current account of Saudi Arabia has been greatly affected by the rising oil prices, Saudi government should concentrate on developing trade and other export product that may cover the current account deficit (John, 2010).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Philosophy :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Teachers Essays

My Philosophy Why do children turn out the way that they do? Do the decisions we make as teachers have a big impact on our students? Consideration needs to be given to these issues as we enter classrooms. The children of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. Therefore, all children need a structured education to help them learn their responsibilities in life. Children need to stay active in the classroom and be aware of the importance of their education. Students of the elementary age have various characteristics. They have curiosity flowing and their minds are active. Children want to understand what is happening around them. Students have a wide imagination, which allows them to be creative and unique. Children respect their teachers and imitate their actions because they look up to their teachers as role models. Students are dependent, therefore needing attention and assistance. The nature of knowledge is relative. Each individual learns differently. Teachers need to use different strategies for everyone to learn the same area of curriculum. Everyone has a distinct personality that allows him or her to learn differently. Some areas come easier to individuals than other areas. Each person’s ability to learn something is dependent upon his or her environment around them. For example, if someone isn’t provided with the proper tools for the area of study, they will not be able to learn it. The use of different techniques will allow each individual to use their constructive intelligence. The purpose of education is to help individuals to learn about their world, morals, and the values of their country that will help guide them through their society. Education is a very important aspect in today’s world. Education allows each individual to succeed in life and to inspire knowledge that will be passed on to younger generations. As a teacher, I hope to provide the best education possible for my students. I plan to inspire each individual in a way that will help them in life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Extended School Day Essay

Imagine you are a seven-year-old whose’s parents work until five each night. When you come home after school there is no one home with you. What could you get into? You might know right from wrong but you still might get yourself into some trouble. Just out of plain curiosity you might get into something or an accident could happen without you even being involved in it. But I say there is a way to stop this from ever happening. I think we should either keep schools open longer or introduce more after school programs. Many advantages would come from either of these ideas. For one the parents would not have to be in a state of worry about whether their child is safe at home or in trouble. Plus you always have that added guilt about not being able to help your kids with their homework. Now with either longer days or more after school programs a lot of stress could be taken away from your family. No more having to pay for sitters which could stress out a families finances. Also the dangers of the kids being home and getting into trouble would be cut down severely. And also with the longer days or more after school programs parents would be able to get home, at least one parent would be home, to pick their kids off the bus. I wanted to suggest some programs I feel would help out with the problem at hand. These programs would be a reading and math after school program. One program I would suggest is a reading after school program. It is said that today, too many children fail to read at a level we would expect for the grade they are in. In a study done in 1998, the National Assessment of Educational Progress found that, thirty eight percent of our nation’s fourth graders failed to read at the basic level. That fact alone says we must enforce more after school programs. Now they also found that sixty-four percent of African American and sixty percent of Hispanic American fourth graders read below the basic level. This shows we need to not only put these programs in suburban schools but also city schools. Research has shown that students who are behind in reading can catch up to grade level with additional reading instruction and tutoring after school and in the summer. And that is what I am trying to put in effect. We all know that to succeed in school all students need good reading skills, and that’s just a fact. Another program that I think is good is a mathematics after school Program. I has been found that students who take rigorous mathematics courses are much more likely to go on to college and into promising careers than those who do not. And with technology becoming more prevalent in the workplace, the need for employees with mathematics backgrounds has greatly increased. In my research I have found that far too many students finish middle and junior high school without developing a solid foundation in algebra and geometry. Research done by the international comparative assessments said that U. S. student achievement in mathematics falls below the average in the middle grades. We need to help improve this. I think some other important facts help support my case for the longer school day and the after school programs in this little chart. Some reasons why the public supports after school programs: *Over 28 million school-age children have both parents or their only parent in the workforce. *At least 5 million children — and possibly as many as 15 million — are left alone at home each week. *Many children, especially low-income children, lose ground in reading if they are not engaged in organized learning over the summer. *Experts agree that school-age children who are unsupervised during the hours after school are more likely to receive poor grades and drop out of school than those who are involved in supervised, constructive activities. *Statistics show that most juvenile crime takes place between the hours of 2:00 and 8:00 pm, and that children are also at much greater risk of being the victims of crime during the hours after school. Here is another chart showing that after school programs enhance a child’s academic achievement. *Participants in after-school programs:* *Show increased interest and ability in reading *Develop new skills and interests *Show improved school attendance, increased engagement in school, and reduced dropout rate *Turn in more and better quality homework and can spend more time on task. *Are held back or placed in special education classes less frequently *Show higher aspirations for the future, including intention to complete high school and go to college. These facts are real. This is why I picked trying to make a longer day and more after school programs. And with these two programs the numbers will go up. I plan on adding more programs to what I have wrote in here. But I think implementing a longer school day and these after school programs should help not only the parents of these children but the children themselves.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Is Google Making Us Stupid? Essay

In the article by Nicholas Carr, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†, Carr points out numerous drawbacks to today’s technology and as well as a useful tool to our society. Of course this topic of discussion has various opinions and viewpoints on whether technology is coming our aid or hurting us more in today’s world. I believe technology is in fact hurting us in some categories, but ultimately I believe that it is ultimately helping us grow as people and improving society as a whole. Nicholas Carr’s whole argument about how the internet is hurting us and making the use of our own knowledge become less of a factor is hard to believe looking at the resources it provides to us today. Google, Wikipedia, online databases, and school libraries are all being put on the internet to serve accessible information. Colleges are even using the internet for online courses and e-mail services to communicate with students. The internet is has also brought us the ability to research and communicate across various cultures without actually having to travel to those locations to see them first hand. Social media websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are a very good examples of a communication tool if they are used in the correct fashion. Websites like these allow for people to read about a topic or issue and discuss it with people all over the world, even the people that are being affected. Blogs, discussion boards, and pictures are shared on the web with the rest of the world to see and act upon. Carr fails to mention the use of the web in this way in his article. What Carr doesn’t realize is that the internet is an endless pit of information and is available to everyone, just not always necessarily accessed by users. We are attracted to what we are interested in and what is the most useful to us on the internet. Carr mentions that â€Å"power browsing† is making us avoid the traditional way of online reading by giving us quick wins. The use of hyperlinks allow for us to access different resources by  helping a person gain more information and understand it better. This allows for users to access information quicker, allowing them to soak up information, and making them have more knowledge on the topic making them less stupid. Carr makes the argument that â€Å"society is continuously being shaped by new technology†. I agree with this statement, but I think it is more or less society adapts to the new technology being introduced to us and what it has to offer. Our brains don’t have to change for the internet, they tend to develop with it. Being brought up with technology, it is easy to understand and utilize what it has to offer. On the other hand, older generations may have a hard time with it due to it being to different to handle well. The amount of information may be too difficult to comprehend and may become a cohesive relationship. I have always been able to find the information that I’m seeking and use it to my liking. It’s just a matter of focus and not becoming overwhelmed. Although technology and the use of the web are useful, there are always downfalls to such great things. Carr mentions that â€Å"as we become more reliant on computers to meditate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence†, I agree with this statement in the fact that humans rely heavily on technology to communicate and entertain us. We have so much information at our fingertips that it almost seems silly to pick up a book and actually research something when you can just type it into a search engine and get results in lightning speed. My parents and elders have told me that technology is making us anti-social and deteriorating our communication skills. The use of text messaging seems to be the one that is most at fault for this. In today’s culture, talking on the phone and in person is becoming a struggle for most people, especially teens and young adults. We are so use to typing messages back and forth to one another that we lose the simple communication skills by not physically talking to them. There is a lot of things that a text message can’t convey to people like talking can such as emotion and clarity. In conclusion, it’s all about not becoming too overwhelmed, use resources  and the internet responsibly, and use them to our advantage. Carr misses the point in that our abilities for deep thinking are not ruined by the internet but expressed and improved. To learn about a certain subject, you don’t have to enroll into a college course. You don’t need a plane ticket to learn about different cultures. This is information at your fingertips with the use of the internet and it’s your responsibility and prerogative to use it wisely and to your advantage.

Effect And Management Of Stroke Health And Social Care Essay

A shot, antecedently known medically as a cerebrovascular accident ( CVA ) , is the quickly underdeveloped loss of encephalon map ( s ) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the encephalon. This can be due to ischemia ( deficiency of blood flow ) caused by obstruction ( thrombosis, arterial intercalation ) , or a bleeding ( escape of blood ) .As a consequence, the affected country of the encephalon is unable to map, taking to inability to travel one or more limbs on one side of the organic structure, inability to understand or explicate address, or an inability to see one side of the ocular field. A shot is a medical exigency and can do lasting neurological harm, complications, and even decease. . A shot is on occasion treated in a infirmary with thrombolysis ( besides known as a â€Å" coagulum fellow † ) . Post-stroke bar may affect the disposal of antiplatelet drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid and dipyridamole control and decrease of high blood pressure, the usage of lipid-lowering medicines, and in selected patients with carotid endarterectomy, the usage of decoagulants. Treatment to retrieve any lost map is stroke rehabilitation, affecting wellness professions such as address and linguistic communication therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Definition The traditional definition of shot, devised by the World Health Organization in the 1970s, is a â€Å" neurological shortage of cerebrovascular cause that persists beyond 24 hours or is interrupted by decease within 24 hours † . Epidemiology Stroke could shortly be the most common cause of decease worldwide.It affects about 700,000 persons each twelvemonth ; about 500,000 are new shots and 200,000 are perennial strokes.The incidence of shot additions exponentially from 30 old ages of age, and etiology varies by age. 95 % of shots occur in people age 45 and older, and two-thirds of shots occur in those over the age of 65 old ages. A individual ‘s hazard of deceasing if he or she does hold a shot besides increases with age. However, stroke can happen at any age, including in foetuss. Family members may hold a familial inclination for shot or portion a life style that contributes to stroke. Higher degrees of Von Willebrand factor are more common amongst people who have had ischaemic shot for the first clip, the lone important familial factor was the individual ‘s blood type. Work forces are 25 % more likely to endure shots than adult females, yet 60 % of deceases from shot occur in women.Some hazard factors for shot apply merely to adult females. Primary among these are gestation, childbearing, climacteric and the intervention thereof ( HRT ) . The prevalence of shot, WHO estimated that in 1990, out of 9.4 million deceases an India 6,19,000 were due to stroke.EtiologyNarrowing or complete closing of the vass providing the encephalon by thrombosis or intercalation. Arteritis Collagen vascular diseases-SLE, Polyarteritis Nodosa Bleeding Vertical compaction Arterial crampThrombotic shot:In thrombotic stroke a thrombus ( blood coagulum ) normally forms around atherosclerotic plaques. A thrombus itself ( even if non-occluding ) can take to an embolic shot, if the thrombus breaks off, at which point it is called an â€Å" embolus. †Embolic strokeAn embolic shot refers to the obstruction of an arteria by an arterial embolus, a travelling atom or dust in the arterial blood stream arising from elsewhere. An embolus is most often a thrombus, but it can besides be a figure of other substances including fat ( e.g. from bone marrow in a broken bone ) , air, malignant neoplastic disease cells or bunchs of bacteriums ( normally from infective endocarditis ) .Venous thrombosisCerebral venous fistula thrombosis leads to stroke due to locally increased venous force per unit area, which exceeds the force per unit area generated by the arterias. Infarcts are more likely to undergo haemorrhagic transmutation ( leaking of blood into the damaged cou ntry ) than other types of ischaemic shot.Intracerebral bleedingIt by and large occurs in little arterias or arteriolas and is normally due to high blood pressure, intracranial vascular deformities ( including cavernous angiomas or arteriovenous deformities ) , intellectual amyloid angiopathy, or infarcts into which secondary bleeding has Occurred.Other possible causes are trauma, shed blooding upsets, starchlike angiopathy, illicit drug usage ( e.g. pep pills or cocaine ) .Types of StrokeStrokes can be classified into two major classs: ischaemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic shots are those that are caused by break of the blood supply. Hemorrhagic shots are the 1s which result from rupture of a blood vas or an unnatural vascular construction. About 87 % of shots are caused by ischaemia, and the balance by bleeding. Some bleedings develop inside countries of ischaemia ( â€Å" haemorrhagic transmutation † Ischemic Stroke In an ischaemic shot, blood supply to portion of the encephalon is decreased, taking to disfunction of the encephalon tissue in that country. There are four grounds why this might go on: Thrombosis ( obstructor of a blood vas by a blood coagulum organizing locally ) . Embolism ( obstructor due to an embolus from elsewhere in the organic structure ) . Systemic hypoperfusion ( general lessening in blood supply, e.g. in daze ) . Venous thrombosis. Stroke without an obvious account is termed â€Å" cryptogenic † ( of unknown beginning ) ; this constitutes 30-40 % of all ischaemic shots.Haemorrhagic StrokeIntracranial bleeding is the accretion of blood anyplace within the skull vault. A differentiation is made between intra-axial bleeding ( blood inside the encephalon ) and extra-axial bleeding ( blood inside the skull but outside the encephalon ) . Intra-axial bleeding is due to intraparenchymal bleeding or intraventricular bleeding ( blood in the ventricular system ) . The chief types of extra-axial bleeding are extradural haematoma ( shed blooding between the dura mater and the skull ) , subdural haematoma ( in the subdural infinite ) and subarachnoid bleeding ( between the arachnidian mater and Indian arrowroot mater ) . Most of the haemorrhagic shot syndromes have specific symptoms ( e.g. concern, old caput hurt ) . Signs and symptoms Common Signs of a Stroke: Numbness or failing of the face, arm, or leg, particularly on one side of your organic structure. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes. Trouble walking, giddiness, loss of balance or coordination. Confusion or problem speech production or understanding address. Severe concern with no known cause. Symptoms may include: Stroke symptoms typically start all of a sudden, over seconds to proceedingss, and in most instances do non come on farther. The symptoms depend on the country of the encephalon affected. The more extended the country of encephalon affected, the more maps that are likely to be lost. Most signifiers of shot are non associated with concern, apart from subarachnoid bleeding and intellectual venous thrombosis and on occasion intracerebral bleeding. Simple Test for the Presence of Stroke: If the patient is witting, have him/her stick their lingua out and bespeak them to travel it from left to compensate. If they can non execute this simple undertaking opportunities are they are holding a shot. Hand Grasps: Have the patient catch your custodies and squeezing. Marked difference in the strength between left and right denotes possible shot. The weaker side is the side the shot is happening on. Mouth Droop: If you notice a unquestionably downward sag on either side of the oral cavity besides can be a mark of a cerebrovascular accident is go oning. A simple failing may come on to an inability to travel the arm and leg on one side of the organic structure.Stroke Warning Signs:Harmonizing to ; The American Stroke Association the warning marks of shot are: Sudden numbness or failing of the face, arm or leg, particularly on one side of the organic structure. Sudden confusion, problem speech production or apprehension. Sudden problem seeing in one or both eyes. Sudden problem walking, giddiness, loss of balance or co-ordination. Sudden, terrible concern with no known cause.Pathophysiology:Break of Blood Flow for few proceedingssa† Ã¢â‚¬Å"Complete intellectual circulatory apprehension ( Ischaemia )a† Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ischaemic cascade – a figure of damaging but reversible eventsa† Ã¢â‚¬Å"Perturbation of Energy Metabolism due to let go of of extra Neurotransmitters ( glutamate, aspartate )a† Ã¢â‚¬Å"Inability of encephalon cells to bring forth energya† Ã¢â‚¬Å"Increased Ca inflowACa+ Intracellular phospholipid Stimulates release of azotic oxide & A ; cryptokines signifiers Free groups Damages the encephalon cells furtherHazard factorsModifiable hazard factors High blood force per unit area and atrial fibrillation. High blood cholesterin degrees Diabetess Cigarette smoke ( active and inactive ) Heavy intoxicant ingestion and drug usage Lack of physical activity Fleshiness Unhealthy diet. Oral preventives Transeunt Ischemic AttacksNon-Modifiable hazard factorsAge Race Gender Family History of StrokeDamages and functional disablement due to strokeDisability affects 75 % of shot subsisters plenty to diminish their employability. Stroke can impact patients physically, mentally, emotionally, or a combination of the three disfunctions correspond to countries in the encephalon that have been damaged. Physical disablements that can ensue from shot include: Muscle failing, Numbness, Pressure sores, Pneumonia, Incontinence, Apraxia ( inability to execute erudite motions ) , troubles transporting out day-to-day activities, Appetite loss, Speech loss, vision loss, Pain. If the shot is terrible plenty, or in a certain location such as parts of the brain-stem, coma or decease can ensue. Emotional jobs ensuing from shot can ensue from direct harm to emotional centres in the encephalon or from defeat and trouble accommodating to new restrictions. Post-stroke emotional troubles include anxiousness, panic onslaughts, level affect ( failure to show emotions ) , mania, apathy, and psychosis. Cognitive shortages ensuing from shot include perceptual upsets, address jobs, dementedness, and jobs with attending and memory. A shot sick person may be unaware of his or her ain disablements, a status called anosognosia. In a status called hemispatial disregard, a patient is unable to go to to anything on the side of infinite antonym to the damaged hemisphere. Complications: Inability to take part in activities of day-to-day life Pain Recurrent shots. Emotional troublesConsequence of shot on arm and manus mapStroke is the figure one cause of neurological disablement in many states. About 85 % of patients admitted to hospital for shot present with jobs with their weaponries and custodies. Stroke-related physical damages such as musculus failing, hurting, and spasticity can take to a decrease in the ability to utilize the stroke-affected arm and manus in day-to-day activities. In fact, the turning away of utilizing one ‘s stroke-affected arm is so common, that there is even a name for it â€Å" learned non-use syndrome † . Unfortunately, non utilizing the stroke-affected arm can take to a farther loss in strength, scope of gesture, and all right motor accomplishments. These can so ensue in contractures, hurting and terrible bone loss ( osteoporosis ) .ManagementMedical direction:Understating residuary defects Hypovolaemic haemodilution Anticoagulants Antiplatelet therapy Antihypertensive drugsPhysiotherapy Management:Passive mobilisation Passive neuromuscular facilitation Constraint induced motion therapy Balance preparation Bobath therapy